Basic Todo App

In this tutorial, we'll create a todo application with user authentication. A user can have many todos, and they can only access their own todos, and anyone can create a user account.

Initialize Project

To start, initialize a new Pragma project by running:

pragma new project

After answering Pragma's questions, there will be a directory with the name of your project containing a Pragmafile, where you'll be writing all your Pragma code.

Define User Model

Now we can define our User model in the Pragmafile:

@1 model User {
@1 username: String @publicCredential @primary
@2 password: String @secretCredential
@3 todos: [Todo]

Notice the @1, @2, on the User model and it's fields, these are called indices and they are important for Pragma to be able to perform database migrations automatically.

Notice also the @user syntax. This is a directive that tells Pragma that this is a user model, so Pragma would set up auth workflows for this model.

Define Todo Model

Now we define the Todo model:

@2 model Todo {
@1 id: String @uuid @primary
@2 title: String
@3 content: String
@4 status: TodoStatus = "TODO"
enum TodoStatus {

enums are definitions of all the possible string values that a field can hold.

Define Permissions

Ok, now we need to define permissions. Our requirements dictate that a User can only edit, read, write, and delete their own Todos, and that anyone can create a user account.

allow CREATE User
role User {
allow MUTATE self.todos
allow [READ, UPDATE, DELETE] self

The first line is a definition of an access rule that applies to anonymous users; it says anonymous users of your API can create new User records. After that comes a role definition. This block contains one section for the User role, which contains three rules:

  1. When a User is logged in, they can push new todos and remove existing todos from their todos array field
  2. When a User is logged in, they can READ, UPDATE, and DELETE their own data

But still, we need to tell Pragma that a user can UPDATE a Todo only if it's in their list of todos. We're going to write a function that checks whether a todo is in the current User's list of todos.

We'll create a file called functions.js in the same directory as the Pragmafile containing:

// functions.js
const selfOwnsTodo = ({ user, todo }) => {
const userTodoIds = =>
if (userTodoIds.contains( {
return { result: true }
return { result: false }

Now that we've defined selfOwnsTodo, let's use it in the User role:

import "./functions.js" as fns { runtime = "nodejs:14" }
role User {
allow MUTATE self.todos
allow [READ, UPDATE, DELETE] self
allow UPDATE Todo if fns.selfOwnsTodo
A Note On Authorization Predicates

In the example above we're returning a JSON object of the shape { result: boolean }, not a boolean value directly, this is because all imported functions are run as OpenWhisk serverless functions and OpenWhisk requires that all functions must return a JSON object for some reason. This will be solved in the future. This is only a problem for functions that are used by authorization rules.

For more information about how authorization rules work with functions, see the Permissions section.

Run Development Server

Alright, now that we've done all the "hard work," we can start our server by running the following command in the root of our project:

pragma dev

Congratulations! Now if you follow the URL printed out in your terminal, you'll find a GraphQL Playground where you can run queries/mutations such as:

Creating a new User

mutation {
User {
create(user: { username: "john", password: "123456789" }) {

Login as john

mutation {
User {
loginByUsername(username: "john", password: "123456789")

and we'll get a JWT token from the server:

"data": {
"User": {
"loginByUsername": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImpvaG4iLCJyb2xlIjoiVXNlciJ9.bfqwEcsRZJfdhhY3K83C-wOKa3JmUbfSHF7BCKmNqiU"

Adding todos to john

mutation {
User {
pushToTodos(username: "john", item: { title: "Finish homework", content: "" }) {

We need to add an authorization header containing the JWT token that was returned from the loginByUsername mutation

"Authorization": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImpvaG4iLCJyb2xlIjoiVXNlciJ9.bfqwEcsRZJfdhhY3K83C-wOKa3JmUbfSHF7BCKmNqiU"

List john's todos

User {
read(username: "john") {
todos {

We need to put the JWT token in the Authorization header here too

"Authorization": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImpvaG4iLCJyb2xlIjoiVXNlciJ9.bfqwEcsRZJfdhhY3K83C-wOKa3JmUbfSHF7BCKmNqiU"